When deciding to rent a limo first choose what is the occasion you’re renting a limo. You also want to have an idea of one’s ideal night. Next choose what are the cities you can be renting the limo in. Next choose how many passengers will be moving in the limo with you. Lastly you want to estimate about how several hours you will require the limo.

How many passengers are you experiencing and are they all going to fit? How will you know to choose what size of vehicle you want? First think which kind of occasion is this. For instance if the occasion were to be wedding and you as the bride had a big princess dress, would you not want anyone to sit on it or step on the clothe themselves in the limo. For something similar to that make sure you think about how much room each person needs. This bride may have ten people total in her party, but needs to count her dress as 2 passengers to protect it. You do not desire to be upset on your wedding day because someone in the limo spilled something on you as you were all tight inside. Some occasions as proms kids usually do not mind having to sit on each others laps, so long as they can all easily fit into their limo. When planning for a corporate affair, you want to make certain each client inside that limo will probably have space to sit inside that limousine. You don’t want your night spoiled as you should have rented one size bigger of a limousine.

You could be thinking to yourself what all these things are inside this limousine. Some limousines like the basic Lincoln Town Car can you need to be a typical car. You should spice up the tiny town car and rent a Mercedes-Benz instead or perhaps a non-stretch Hummer. These are all of your typical cars on the inside and outside for a straightforward look. Then you have your Lincoln stretch which have the all black interior and come supplied with a complete stocked wet bar. There is also the big SUV vehicles once you really want to take action BIG. These kind of SUV come stocked with a free of charge wet bar, plasma TV screens, CD/DVD player; surround sound system, twinkle lights on the ceilings, and lasers. You might like to make use of the Hummer stretch and its zebra print interior, play station two connectors, and fog machine. Excavation should come with professional drivers and really should arrive on time.

Make sure you get everything you are paying for. In the event that you book your limo too cheap, you run a large threat of the limo not showing up. They may let you know their limousine got into an accident or got stuck in Vegas. They could not even call you at all and say you’ll want booked with someone else plus they did not charge you. You want the limousine company?s prices to be very fair and comparable for the forms of vehicles and customer service they provide. As a customer you should not need to pay any hidden fees, surcharges, or taxes. You need to book a limousine with a flat rate and tip based on your satisfaction. When you dine at a restaurant you tip the waiter by the end of the night based on the service. It should be exactly the same for limousines. When gratuity is added in the price you risk the driver not providing great service because they are guaranteed a tip.

Many Limousine Rental Companies are booked a year in advance so it is far better book your limousine well in advance if you want to get a better limousine and a better deal. If you are likely to rent a limousine for the special event during Prom season or high demand wedding season, don?t wait. Book it as soon as you are certain that you want or need a limousine because it can book up quickly.

Most limousines rent from $50 ? $200 per hour. In addition, most limousine services require a minimum hourly booking. Unfortunately, you cannot rent a limousine for 1 hour because of vehicle prep costs, travel times, and chauffeur salaries. A one-hour limo rental is not feasible for most limo services.

You still have to cover the rental time throughout your event even if you are not physically using the vehicle. Although the vehicle is not in use, it can’t be used elsewhere. Most companies also require a minimum 4 hour or more minimum to rent a limousine. During prom season, expect this minimum to increase; as much as 8 hours minimum. High demand vehicles such as for example Stretch Hummers will often rent at full price with an 8 hour minimum.

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